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An irreversible structural change observed for Di-(1-naphthyl)-methylene in organic rigid glasses
Tetrahedron Letters, Volume 27, Issue 2, 1986, Pages 235-238
Hideyuki Tukada, Tadashi Sugawara, Shigeru Murata, Hiizu Iwamura
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00/01661 Irreversible structural changes in coals during heating
Fuel and Energy Abstracts, Volume 41, Issue 4, July 2000, Page 192
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Structural change of amorphous alloy irradiated experimentally and computationally
Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 9, 1989, Pages 143-148
Ryuzo Takagi, Jun'ichi Ohta, Ashok K. Adya, Kazutaka Kawamura, Hirotake Moriyama
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Cellular localization of cadmium and structural changes in maize plants grown on a cadmium contaminated soil with and without liming
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 160, Issue 1, 15 December 2008, Pages 228-234
Karina Patrícia Vieira da Cunha, Clístenes Williams Araújo do Nascimento, Rejane Magalhães de Mendonça Pimentel, Clébio Pereira Ferreira
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Structural changes of lipoprotein lipids by 1H NMR
Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 242, Issues 1-2, 11 August 1995, Pages 95-100
M. Ala-Korpela, J. Oja, J. Lounila, J. Jokisaari, M. J. Savolainen, Y. A. Kesäniemi
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Structural changes in amorphous silicon studied by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy: a phenomenon independent of the Staebler–Wronski effect?
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 282, Issues 2-3, April 2001, Pages 165-172
Shuran Sheng, Edward Sacher, Arthur Yelon


X-ray irradiation- and annealing-induced structural changes in undoped hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and pure amorphous silicon (a-Si) have been investigated in detail by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The irradiation-induced shifts of both the Si 2s and Si 2p peaks of a-Si:H are found to be unstable even at room temperature. They can be reversed by annealing, following a stretched exponential time dependence with a lower activation energy than that for the metastable changes in electronic properties (Staebler–Wronski effect). The absence of metastable XPS changes in a-Si suggests that hydrogen may be actively involved in the X-ray irradiation-induced structural changes. Our present results suggest that these structural changes may be an independent metastable phenomenon or a precursor process of metastable defect creation.
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Thermal stability of solid and aqueous solutions of humic acid
Thermochimica Acta, Volume 454, Issue 2, 15 March 2007, Pages 78-83
C. Kolokassidou, I. Pashalidis, C.N. Costa, A.M. Efstathiou, G. Buckau
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Poly-N,N′-1,3-bis-(methylene)tetramethyldisiloxy-4,4′-dipyridinium dihalides
Polymer Science U.S.S.R., Volume 32, Issue 4, 1990, Pages 695-699
Yu.R Kolesnik, V.V Teslenko, A.P Grekov
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Irreversible structural changes by heat treatments within the amorphous matrix Fe2O3–Li2O–B2O3
Materials Science and Engineering A, Volumes 375-377, 15 July 2004, Pages 1273-1276
N. Rezlescu, L. Rezlescu
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Irreversible Electron-Induced Structural Change during HREM Imaging in Lithium Ruddlesden–Popper Phases in the Series Li2Lax (Nb2n−3xTi3xn)O3n+1 (n=2, 3, 4) and Li2Sr1.5(Nb3−xFex)O10−x
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Volume 145, Issue 1, June 1999, Pages 136-149
M. P. Crosnier-Lopez, N. S. P. Bhuvanesh, H. Duroy, J. L. Fourquet
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Temperature dependence of the photodissociation of a-As2S3
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 90, Issues 1-3, February 1987, Pages 541-544
Rumiana Stoycheva, Penka Simidchieva, Atanas Buroff
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The nature of structural changes in nanocrystalline ZnO powders under linear heating conditions
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 24, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 1929-1933
Z. V. Marinkovic, L. Mancic, O. Milosevic
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The Lancet, Volume 142, Issue 3657, 30 September 1893, Page 824
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Irreversible structural changes during PET recycling by extrusion
Polymer, Volume 45, Issue 13, June 2004, Pages 4403-4412
R. Assadi, X. Colin, J. Verdu
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The mechanism of polyethylene terephthalate transition from the amorphous to the orientated state
Polymer Science U.S.S.R., Volume 17, Issue 11, 1975, Pages 2841-2847
S.A. Gribanov, Yu.I. Mitchenko, A.N. D'yachkov, E.M. Aizenshtein
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Amine-based organic high-spin systems: Synthesis, electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of polyalkylated one-dimensional oligoaryl triamines
Polyhedron, Volume 26, Issues 9-11, 15 June 2007, Pages 2008-2012
Masafumi Yano, Akira Fujiwara, Masakazu Tatsumi, Munetaka Oyama, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui

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A polyalkylated oligoaryl triamine was designed and synthesized as a precursor of positively charged high-spin systems. The electrochemical and spectroscopic properties were examined.

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Structural changes and intermediate radical states in the photopolymerization of a diacetylene single crystal
Chemical Physics, Volume 45, Issue 1, 1 January 1980, Pages 15-26
H. Gross, H. Sixl, C. Kröhnke and, V. Enkelmann
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Structural relaxation and self-organization in network glasses at stiffness transition
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volumes 307-310, September 2002, Pages 772-777
Yong Wang, Toshihiro Nakaoka, Kazuo Murase


We have investigated the changes in quasi-elastic (QE) relaxation behavior in a low-frequency range 10–80 cm−1 near stiffness transition in GexSe1−x glasses using temperature-programmed Raman scattering technique. We confirm that the QE contribution originates from the fast (β) process of relaxation. Since the QE intensity depends on glass composition, the origin of the relaxational modes is traced to floppy modes. We attribute the relaxation modes mainly to the damping or jumping motions of the rotating Sen segments, which could be regarded as the microscopic origin of floppy modes in the Se-contained network glasses.
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34. Attempt at correlating the various structural changes which occur during the rewarming of frozen solutions: B. J. Luyet and G. L. Rapatz (American Foundation for Biological Research, Madison, Wisconsin)
Cryobiology, Volume 2, Issue 1, July-August 1965, Pages 19-20
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Features of long-term annealing of branched polyethylene
Polymer Science U.S.S.R., Volume 29, Issue 9, 1987, Pages 2116-2122
Ye.I. Globus, V.K. Lavrent'yev, V.P. Stadnik, A.V. Sidorovich
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Elastic and anelastic behavior of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 bulk metallic glass around the glass transition temperature under ultrasonic excitation
Scripta Materialia, Volume 49, Issue 4, August 2003, Pages 267-271
Tetsu Ichitsubo, Satoshi Kai, Hirotsugu Ogi, Masahiko Hirao, Katsushi Tanaka
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The effect of heat- and acid-treatment on the structure of rapeseed albumin (napin)
Food Chemistry, Volume 58, Issue 3, March 1997, Pages 237-243
Y. L. Folawiyo, R. K. Owusu Apenten
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Reversibility of the electrochemical lithium insertion in “Cr3O8”—comparison with LiCr3O8
Electrochimica Acta, Volume 36, Issue 1, 1991, Pages 127-133
R. Koksbang, P. Norby
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Development and properties of single-crystal silver selenide layers
Thin Solid Films, Volume 215, Issue 2, 14 August 1992, Pages 147-151
G. Sáfrán, P. Keusch, J.R. Günter, P.B. Barna
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The interaction of small molecules with spin-labelled erythrocyte membranes
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, Volume 219, Issue 2, 1 December 1970, Pages 415-427
W.L. Hubbell, J.C. Metcalfe, S.M. Metcalfe, H.M. McConnell
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Glass-ceramic containing lithium ferrite: Magnetic and structural properties
Ceramics International, Volume 24, Issue 1, 1998, Pages 31-34
N. Rezlescu, E. Rezlescu, I. Ciobotaru, M. L. Craus, P. D. Popa
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On the significance of argon release from biotite and amphibole during 40Ar/39Ar vacuum heating
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 52, Issue 10, October 1988, Pages 2457-2465
Lawrence J. Gaber, K.A. Foland, C.E. Corbató
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Current noise in thin film Al/Al2O3/Au sandwiches
Vacuum, Volume 50, Issues 1-2, May-June 1998, Pages 9-13
I Ost'ádal, L Lecko, P Sobotík
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Vibrational circular dichroism spectra of protein films: thermal denaturation of bovine serum albumin
Biophysical Chemistry, Volume 111, Issue 1, 1 September 2004, Pages 73-77
Ganesh Shanmugam, Prasad L. Polavarapu
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Dilatometry of Na-, K-, Ca- and NH4-clinoptilolite
Thermochimica Acta, Volume 336, Issues 1-2, 27 September 1999, Pages 105-110
G. Dell’Agli, C. Ferone, G. Mascolo, M. Pansini
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Electron microscopy of supported noble metal alloy catalysts
Micron (1969), Volume 11, Issues 3-4, 1980, Pages 321-322
K. Foger, H. Jaeger
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The effect of a moderate-temperature annealing on the structure and temperature of a superconductive conversion of ceramics YBa2Cu3Oy
Solid State Communications, Volume 70, Issue 5, May 1989, Pages 561-563
V. F. Degtyaryova, O. V. Zharikov, I. N. Kremenskaya, M. A. Nevedomskaya, R. K. Nikolayev, Yu. A. Osipian, A. V. Palnichenko, N. S. Sidorov, V. Sh. Shehtman
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Temperature and time-dependent changes of structure in phosphorus containing aluminosilicate liquids and glasses: in situ Raman spectroscopy at high temperature
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volumes 263-264, 1 March 2000, Pages 123-131
M. J. Toplis, B. Reynard
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FT-IR investigation of the structural changes of Sulcis and South Africa coals under progressive heating in vacuum
Fuel, Volume 79, Issue 10, August 2000, Pages 1215-1220
A. D'Alessio, P. Vergamini, E. Benedetti
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Structural and Chemical Modifications of Short Dough During Baking
Journal of Cereal Science, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2002, Pages 1-10
S. Chevallier, G. Della Valle, P. Colonna, B. Broyart, G. Trystram
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Annealing effects in electrodeposited amorphous Co-P alloys
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 27, Issue 1, April 1982, Pages 119-123
J.M. Riveiro
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Formation and decay kinetics of nickel nitrides resulting from nitrogen ion implantation. The nickel–nitrogen phase diagram
Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 350, Issue 4, 30 July 2004, Pages 325-337
I. M. Neklyudov, A. N. Morozov
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Structural Characteristics of Monopalmitin Monolayers Spread on Aqueous Sugar Solutions
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 218, Issue 2, 15 October 1999, Pages 369-376
Manuela Ruiz Domínguez, Juan M. Rodríguez Patino
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A discussion of pressure-volume effects in aqueous protein solutions
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 50, Issue 1, March 1975, Pages 245-252
Aase Hvidt
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Morphological changes of the monatomic (100) NaCl cleavage structure due to edge self-diffusion : I. Experiment
Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 33, Issue 2, May 1976, Pages 246-254
H. Höche, H. Bethge
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Structural study of the re-entrant spin-glass behaviour of Fe–Al alloys
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 316, Issue 2, September 2007, Pages e488-e491
D. Martín Rodríguez, F. Plazaola, J.S. Garitaonandia, G.J. Cuello
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Plastic deformation of the current-annealed amorphous ribbons
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volumes 215-216, 2 June 2000, Pages 469-471
C. Morón, A. García, J. G. Zato
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Hole and Electron Doping of RNiO3 (R = La, Nd)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Volume 116, Issue 1, April 1995, Pages 146-156
J. A. Alonso, M. J. Martínez-Lope, M. A. Hidalgo
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Desorption kinetics of image
Surface Science, Volume 315, Issue 3, 20 August 1994, Pages 269-283
G.P. Lopinski, J.A. Prybyla, P.J. Estrup
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A study of the glass transition of polypropylene surfaces by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy and scanning force microscopy
Chemical Physics, Volume 245, Issues 1-3, 1 July 1999, Pages 277-284
D. H. Gracias, D. Zhang, L. Lianos, W. Ibach, Y. R. Shen, G. A. Somorjai
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The annealing behaviour of electroless noncrystalline nickel phosphorus films
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ESR study on Ti(OR)4-AIR′3 catalyst systems — structural changes of Ti3+ complex upon high-temperature aging
Synthetic Metals, Volume 40, Issue 2, 1 April 1991, Pages 197-218
Kazuo Akagi, Dai Hashimoto, Hideki Shirakawa, Junichi Isoya
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Structural phase transitions in organized organic thin films built of alkali stearates
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Photothermal studies of CO photodissociation from mixed valence Escherichia coli cytochrome bo3
FEBS Letters, Volume 579, Issue 14, 6 June 2005, Pages 3014-3018
Jaroslava Mikšovská, Robert B. Gennis, Randy W. Larsen
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Surface structure changes associated with Ga diffusion on Si(1 1 1)7×7 surface
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Microstructural evolution of some MgO–TiO2 and MgO–Al2O3 powder mixtures during high-energy ball milling and post-annealing studied by X-ray diffraction
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 370, Issues 1-2, 12 May 2004, Pages 296-301
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Heat-induced changes in the efficiency of P700 photo-oxidation in pea chloroplast membranes
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Volume 4, Issue 3, January 1990, Pages 307-320
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Structural analysis of CuInSe2 and CuIn3Se5 at different temperatures with synchrotron radiation
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 64, Issues 9-10, September 2003, Pages 1649-1652
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A 13C NMR spectroscopic study of the phase transitions of alkane dicarboxylic acids in the solid state
Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 140, Issue 1, 18 September 1987, Pages 46-50
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Pretransitional Structural Changes in the Thermal Denaturation of Ribonuclease S and S Protein
Biophysical Journal, Volume 83, Issue 4, October 2002, Pages 2259-2269
Simona D. Stelea, Timothy A. Keiderling
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Study of the effect of different synthesis routes on Li extraction–insertion from LiCoPO4
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Natalia N. Bramnik, Kirill G. Bramnik, Carsten Baehtz, Helmut Ehrenberg
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Evolution of the chemical structure of Hat Creek resinite during oxidation: a combined FT-IR photoacoustic, NMR and optical microscopic study
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Comparative investigation of the coupled-tetrahedra quantum spin systems Cu2Te2O5X2, X = Cl, Br and Cu4Te5O12Cl4
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Thermal Breakdown in Coals: Comparing Structural Changes in Pyrolysis and Liquefaction
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R. Kandiyoti, A.A. Herod, K.D. Bartle
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Phase changes of solid methane under high pressure up to 86 GPa at room temperature
Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 454, Issues 4-6, 20 March 2008, Pages 212-217
Hisako Hirai, Keisuke Konagai, Taro Kawamura, Yoshitaka Yamamoto, Takehiko Yagi

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Variation of Raman spectra of solid methane with pressure, showing phase changes.

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Microstructural evolution of an elastostatically compressed amorphous alloy and its influence on the mechanical properties
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Sang-Chul Lee, Chang-Myun Lee, Jae-Woong Yang, Jae-Chul Lee
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Irreversible structural relaxation in Fe–B–Si amorphous alloys
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Y. Takahara
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Scripta Materialia, Volume 59, Issue 8, October 2008, Pages 802-805
Chang-Myeon Lee, Kyoung-Won Park, Jae-Chul Lee
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Cycling effects in nitrogen doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon non-volatile memory cells
Solid-State Electronics, Volume 44, Issue 9, 1 September 2000, Pages 1641-1645
E. G. Gerstner, D. R. McKenzie


Recently, we reported on reversible non-volatile memory effects in nitrogen doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C:N) thin films, and the properties of 1-bit memory cells fabricated to utilize such effects. In this paper, we investigate the electrical stability of ta-C:N devices with respect to the effects of many repetitive read, write, and erase cycles on their ON and OFF state resistances.
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Some features of the overoxidation of polypyrrole synthesized on austenitic stainless steel electrodes in aqueous nitrate solutions
Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 191, Issue 1, 1 February 2005, Pages 134-139
I. Fernández, M. Trueba, C. A. Núñez, J. Rieumont
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Elastostatically induced structural disordering in amorphous alloys
Acta Materialia, Volume 56, Issue 19, November 2008, Pages 5440-5450
Kyoung-Won Park, Chang-Myeon Lee, Masato Wakeda, Yoji Shibutani, Michael L. Falk, Jae-Chul Lee
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Core structure, internal osmotic pressure and irreversible structural changes of chromaffin granules during osmometer behaviour
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, Volume 684, Issue 1, 4 January 1982, Pages 27-39
Thomas C. Südhof
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Use of monoclonal antibodies in the detection of structural alterations occurring in lysozyme on heating
Molecular Immunology, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 1990, Pages 1-6
Dan Kenett, Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir, Gideon Fleminger
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Electron-irradiation induced phase transformation in La1/3Zr2(PO4)3: La3+ displacement in a preserved NASICON framework
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Volume 179, Issue 8, August 2006, Pages 2714-2720
M.P. Crosnier-Lopez, M. Barre, F. Le Berre, J.L. Fourquet

Graphical abstract

Diffraction pattern of a crystallite of La1/3Zr2(PO4)3 showing the transformation under the electron beam (a) at the beginning and (b) at the end.

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Behavior of some potassium tungstates in the course of electrochemical lithium insertion
Ceramics International, Volume 34, Issue 7, September 2008, Pages 1779-1782
A. Martínez-de la Cruz, L.G. Castillo Torres
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Effects of exposure to photons of various energies on transmission of germanosilicate optical fiber in the visible to near IR spectral range
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 179, 4 November 1994, Pages 243-253
E. V. Anoikin, V. M. Mashinsky, V. B. Neustruev, Y. S. Sidorin
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Topical Dorzolamide for the Treatment of Cystoid Macular Edema in Patients With Retinitis Pigmentosa
American Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 142, Issue 4, October 2006, Page 707
Giuseppe Giuffre
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Admittance measurements on protein layers adsorbed at the Pt/solution interface: effect of d.c. potential and a.c. field
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 1, Issue 5, 8 November 1993, Pages 277-282
H. Matsumura, J. M. Kleijn
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An irreversible structural change observed for Di-(1-naphthyl)-methylene in organic rigid glasses
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